Kent County Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Kent County does not collect any personal information such as name, address, e-mail, zip code, phone number, gender and income beyond what our visitors knowingly, willingly supply. We collect the domain name from each website visitor as well as statistical information such as the number of visitors and the pages viewed. Personal identifying information may be collected through e-newsletter lists, mailing lists, online request forms, feedback forms and personal interest forms. Any personal information that we receive from customers will be stored in a secure location and used only for the purposes for which it was given.

We use tracking tools such as cookies, or other technologies or methods of integration that may be placed in the browser of your device (e.g., computer or mobile phone) to collect non-personally identifiable information such as IP addresses to provide us with general location data, sometimes across multiple devices.

Kent County use commercially reasonable physical, managerial and technical safeguards to preserve the integrity and security of your information. We cannot, however, ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit. Once we receive your transmission of information, we prioritize ensuring the security of our systems. However, this does not guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical or managerial safeguards.

The information that we collect is used to enhance our site’s usability and content. It may be used to personalize information, and for statistical purposes. Personal information will not be shared with third parties unless otherwise indicated or unless required to do so by Federal or State law. We may share with our service providers non-personally identifiable information to monitor how effective our advertisements are at inspiring you to visit Kent County. 

We reserve the right to change and update our privacy policy, and will post any policy changes on this page.

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If you have questions or comments about visiting Kent County, contact us at 302-734-4888. We look forward to hearing from you!

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